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  • Carton and paper packaging machines x

Buy Used Carton and paper packaging machines

Cardboard and paper packaging machines are machines used for the production and processing of cardboard and paper packaging. They are used in various industries, such as food industry, beverage industry, electronics industry, textile industry and other industries that require paper and cardboard packaging. Cardboard and paper packaging machines can use different processes depending on the application and type of packaging, such as die-cutting, gluing or folding cardboard and paper materials. They can also be integrated with other systems such as printing and inspection machines to automate and optimize the entire packaging process. Modern carton and paper packaging machines are often fully automatic and can produce large quantities of packaging with high speed and accuracy. They can also be equipped with various control systems to ensure that packaging quality meets specific requirements. Carton and paper packaging machines can also use environmentally friendly materials and technologies to produce sustainable and recyclable packaging.

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Packaging machines
Manufacturer: STRAPEX
Type of Machine:
State: Used
Kurt Steiger Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
Wiesbaden Germany

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Packaging machines