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  • Long Bed Machining Centers x

Buy Used Long Bed Machining Centers

Long-table machining centers are a special type of machining center where the table has a significantly longer working surface than conventional machining centers. This allows longer and heavier workpieces to be machined and increases productivity. Some features of long table machining centers are: Longer working surface of the table High rigidity and dynamics High precision and accuracy Possibility of automatic tool compensation Automated tool change Possibility of machining long and heavy workpieces Long table machining centers are used in a wide range of industries, such as automotive, aerospace, engineering and medical. They are particularly useful for the production of long workpieces, such as profiles, tubes, rails and shafts.

H 800 U POSmill
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H 800 U POSmill
Metal working machines
Manufacturer: POSmill
Type of Machine:
Long Bed Machining Centers
Manufacture Year: 2014
State: Used
POS GmbH & Co. KG
D - Baden W?rttemberg
Price: Basis for negotiation

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Machining centres